IHG rewards has launched Accelerate 2019 – the latest edition of its bonus points promotions. Running between May 1 and August 31, it follows the tried and true Accelerate formula.
As with other similar offers by IHG Rewards Club recently, the idea is that you will have a number of tasks to complete to earn specific bonus points. Typically, the offers are customised for your stay history.
Well, that’s the idea. It hasn’t quite worked out that way for me this time around. But more on that later.
Accelerate 2019 Key Details
- Promotion: Accelerate 2019
- Offer Dates: May 1 – August 31, 2019
- Booking Dates: Varies, depending on task rules.
- Registration: Required in order to find your personalised offer. You must register by June 18.
So, basically, you will need to head to the registration link, log in and all will be revealed on your tasks.
My Offers
So what did I get? The following image reveals all.
Yes, that is it!
“Earn double points on every stay, starting with your second stay, up to 40,000 bonus points”
I guess I am a little underwhelmed. Although maybe it is designed to balance out the points haul I received in the Multibrand promotion that has just finished.
Final Words
It’s good to see that IHG Rewards have continued on with this style of offer. Although, it does seem that they are getting less rewarding over time.
For me – not exactly the most inspiring offer I have ever had.