Marriott Rewards has rebooted its #MRPoints program, and relaunched it under the #RewardsPoints name. Under the program, members are able to earn Marriott Rewards points by engaging with Marriott Rewards points on social media.
In addition to the new name, Marriott have increased the number of points that are available. Each year, a member will be able to earn a macimum of 45,000 Marriott Rewards points. This is a substantial increase over the 2,500 points that were previously available.
Collect Points with #RewardPoints
Marriott Rewards will be making points available for undertaking certain specified actions. First up, there are points available for connecting your social media accounts up with Marriott Rewards. At present, there are 1,000 points on offer. This is made up of 250 points for connecting each of your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts. On top of that, there is 125 points on offer for following Marriott Rewards on Instagram and Twitter.
Note that if you had previously connected your accounts under the #MRPoints program, you don’t seem to get the chance to do it again. Marriott Rewards ran a promotion last year, and if you took part in that, you may well already have your accounts connected.
So, that’s the first 1,000 points accounted for. What about the other 44,000 points?
Well, apparently, they will be rolling out new ways to earn each month. For now, it would appear that they are going to be awarding points for performing certain actions with your social media accounts. We wiil have to wait and see what the new program brings.
What does 45,000 Marriott Rewards points get you?
45,000 points is enought for a free night at anything up to a Category 9 hotel in the Marriott Rewards world. So, it could be a decent reward for doing some social media activities.
For further information on the program, and to undertake the first activiities, head to the Marriot Rewards webpage set up for this promotion.
As with last years promotions, the connection is made through Chifpify. When connecting to a social media account, Chirpify will seek permissions to access your account. It is worth reading what you are allowing Chirpify to do when you connect your accounts.They do say that they won’t be posting anything on your behalf.
If you are happy to connect your accounts, then there may be scope here to collect a few free points.